

APLD's Certified Professional Landscape Designer (CPLD) program is your advantage in the marketplace. As a landscape designer you can set yourself apart from the competition. This program is open to all eligible landscape design professionals. See the requirements below.

CPLD is an industry standard. APLD goes above and beyond to assure that our credential is a quality measure that is vetted by trained Review Panel Experts to ensure that certificants are using best practices and are competent and highly capable in landscape design. Individuals who earn their certification may use the "CPLD" designation behind their name, showing their qualification and commitment to the profession.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Agree to comply with APLD Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
  2. APLD Professional Member, or
    1. Associate degree (or higher), or 450 contact hours of education, in landscape design or a related field (i.e. horticulture, architecture, sustainability, etc.)
      (transcript or proof of attendance required)
      ~ AND ~
    2. Three (3) or more years of professional landscape design experience
      (business license/tax ID, Employer verification, etc.)

What does your CPLD say about you?

  • You have proved yourself! Your certification gives the assurance that you are a qualified landscape designer.
  • Certification affirms that you possess the skills and knowledge to get the job done. 
  • CPLD behind your name shows that you are committed to your profession and you will continue to learn and grow!
  • You are an experienced landscape designer and have met third-party standards that verify your skills and competence in the industry.

How do I get certified?

The process is easy. Click here to find out what’s involved.

  1. Certification Score Sheet Rubric
  2. Codes and Standards
  3. Components of Portfolio Submission

Sample plans:

How do I maintain my CPLD?

If you are already certified through APLD, your certification remains valid and active as long as you continue to submit your annual payment and required CEUs.

Questions about certification? Contact [email protected].

APLD Members: Please make sure you are logged in to receive member pricing.

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